Why You Should Avoid Synthetic Fragrance Why You Should Avoid Synthetic Fragrance

Aromatherapy for Well Being

Why You Should Avoid Synthetic Fragrance

What to Know About Synthetic Fragrances

Scented products are a part of everyone’s daily lives (they definitely are for us). Whether it’s laundry detergent, body lotion, cleaning spray, or even the unavoidable ones like soap in the public restroom. These all have a scent, but not all of those scents are created equal.

We’re going to break down the difference between real and artificial scents and the potential harm that can come from the fakers. As well, we’ll give you a few suggestions on what to avoid and how to choose products that are a safer choice for you and your family.

What Are Synthetic Fragrances?

Simply put, synthetic fragrances are scents made primarily from artificial compounds and chemicals. In fact, more than 95 percent of synthetic fragrance chemicals come from petrochemicals. That’s right, we’re talking about chemicals made from petroleum and natural gas. Yuck! And they are used in tons of products from perfume to air fresheners to personal care products.

What Does Fragrance Mean in Ingredients?

When you pick up a product and peek at the ingredient list on the back of the label, you’d be surprised at how many will list the word “fragrance.” This one ingredient can actually contain tons (literally more than 3,000) of the chemicals we mentioned before. And yes, it’s legal.

Companies are allowed to hide thousands of chemical ingredients under just one word, which is sometimes listed as “fragrance,” “perfume,” or “parfum.” It’s an industry loophole that was established in the early 1970s to protect trade secrets. We know kind of scary huh?

So, anytime you read one of those words in an ingredient list, that means oodles of chemicals are potentially hiding in that product. And for skin products, those synthetic fragrance chemicals are being applied directly to your beautiful skin.

Are Synthetic Fragrances Harmful?

The short answer is, potentially. One of the most common chemicals hidden in formulas listed as “fragrance” are known as phthalates. These are commonly used to make plastics more flexible. Yup, the same ingredients in plastic are also in fake fragrances.

Although studies are not considered definitive, a number of them have shown that exposure to certain phthalates can disrupt the body’s hormone activity, have negative effects on reproduction, result in a lower sperm count in men, and have even been linked to birth defects. And, they are found in a lot of products like nail polish, soap, shower curtains, food packaging, and more.

If you’d like to read these studies for yourself, check out the links at the bottom of this post. But remember, clinical studies can be subjective and should be taken with a grain of salt.

The Centers for Disease Control claims that more research needs to be done before the true effects of phthalates on human health can be determined. So, we say it’s a good idea to steer clear of the word “fragrance” in products as the byproducts in them could potentially be more harmful than we currently know.

P.S. All EO and Everyone products are phthalate-free!

Another thing about artificial scents: they can cause skin irritations or allergic reactions in some people including rashes, headaches, inflammation of the skin, and even respiratory-related issues.

This is because certain synthetic fragrance ingredients are known allergens. The European Union, which more strictly regulates ingredients used in cosmetics and body care products than the United States, requires many of these chemicals (26) to be listed in the ingredient list because of their potential to cause allergic reactions in some people. The E.U. has also outright banned certain synthetic fragrance chemicals.

In the United States, however, consumers are in the dark about what is in the exact composition of the “fragrance” of a product making it nearly impossible to know if it has an allergen of concern for them.

What is the difference between Essential Oils and Synthetic Fragrance Oils?

Essential Oils

Ah, now we get to the good stuff! Essential oils are commonly used to scent everyday-use products (like all of our products). They are directly derived from plants like lavender, lemon, or cedarwood, usually through a steam distillation process that extracts the aromatic compound of the plant, sometimes called its “essence.” A mechanical compression process can also be used to do this.

Side note: always check with a doctor before using essential oils. Some people can be allergic to certain plants, too.

Synthetic Fragrance Oils

As for synthetic fragrance oils, these are used in the same way essential oils are, but they are chemically manufactured. A mix of chemicals are used to create a synthetic fragrance, which is then added to a carrier oil (sometimes a natural oil, sometimes not.) These again can cause allergic reactions in some people and can contain potentially harmful byproducts.

So, why do some companies use synthetic fragrances oils and scents? Although we can’t speak for them, we can say that the fake stuff is a lot cheaper than essential oils. If profit is top priority, that might factor into using synthetic ingredients vs. the real stuff.

How to Avoid the Bad Stuff

With confusing labels and long ingredient lists out there, it can be hard to know what to buy when shopping for trustworthy products. Here are some tips, things to stay clear of, and things to look for.

• “Fragrance-free”: This is a good phrase to look for on labels because there won’t be any chemical-packed formulas hidden under that secret word “fragrance” like we mentioned before. Make sure to always take a peek at the ingredient list!

• “Pure essential oils”: Products made with only pure essential oils means its scent is derived from nature, not man-made chemicals. However, still check to see if the word “fragrance,” “natural fragrance,” “perfume,” or “parfum” is listed in the ingredient list as some products advertise the use of essential oils, but in actuality use only a small amount in combination with artificial scents.

• Phthalates: Stay away from ingredients like benzyl butyl, diethyl, and dimethyl, these are phthalates. Or stick with labels that say “phthalate-free” (like our labels).

• Organic ingredients: Look for products that contain certified organic ingredients (it will say organic in front of the ingredient name on the ingredient list). These ingredients will be organically farmed, meaning they are grown without herbicides or other chemicals. Keep an eye out for “made with organic ingredients” on the label too, this means it’s made with 70 percent organic ingredients.

• Make your own cleaning products: cleaning products are sometimes the worst offenders when it comes to using fake fragrances. Give lemon juice, baking soda, or castile soap a try to effectively clean and deodorize.

So, in the end, we recommend avoiding synthetic fragrances. That way you can cleanse, shampoo, or moisturize without having to wonder if what you’re using is going to harm you now or down the road. Plus, you’ll still smell nice and clean without them. Goodbye fakers, hello scents of mother nature.

Take a peek! All the products we offer are scented with pure essential oils, made with plant-based ingredients, and always made without phthalates, parabens, or dyes.

Check out these studies surrounding the potential harm of synthetic fragrance:

Not So Sexy: Hidden Chemicals in Perfume and Cologne

Opinion on Fragrance Allergens in Cosmetic Products

Health and Societal Effects From Exposure to Fragranced Consumer Products